
Lover´s Disco(urse)



70 min.


Dance Theatre


Concept & Choreography: Sanja Tropp Frühwald

Dramaturgy & Text: Cornelius Edlefsen

Stage & Costume: Mael Blau

Light: Tom Barcal

Music: Imre Lichtenberger Bozoki

Production: Melika Ramić

Assistant Director & Production: Till Frühwald

stage & costume assistance: Camilla Smolders

Press &Sponsoring: Magdalena Stolhofer


Co-production: Dschungel Wien – Theatre for Young Audiences (AT), KLIKER Festival (HR)


Performer: Gat Goodovitch, Dada JV, Milano Leeb, Imre Lichtenberger Bozoki, Bandi Meszerics, Giordana Pascucci, Maira Darja Horvath


Photo: Alek Kawka

Love is all WE need


Losing the ground under your feet, falling down and then flying high on Cupid’s wings – all this is and makes: Love. Six love activists* with different life and love stories go in search of it and explore everyday, but also emotional extreme situations. What do these feelings do with me, how far do I go for love and do I dare to risk everything for it? What about falling in love, about freedom, what about morals and norms, what about growing up and maturing? What about expectations, waiting, absence and in what way does love moves me?

“Loverʼs Disco(urse)” invites you to a party celebrating love and lovers, lust and diversity and above all: the freedom to love – who and how we want. The performer surrender to this wonderful madness and invite the audience to be part of this wild, gentle, crazy and uncertain journey.

VRUM Performing Arts Collective and a generation-spanning ensemble take on the theme and create, based on Roland Barthesʼ “Fragments of a Language of Love”, a wild, dance-like image of the different varieties of love.





“Love is a catastrophe

Look what it’s done to me

Brought me down here so low

Stranded, nowhere to go”

(Pet Shop Boys)


Man is an abyss. OKAY. All right. Let’s jump in then. Head over heels into this jumble of desires, fears, hopes, biological and social conditions. Deeply (gender) insecure, deeply in need of love. But – Attention! Attention! – LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD – LOVE IS BLINDNESS – LOVE IS A CATASTROPHE and above all: LOVE HURTS.

Pop culture agrees on this.

LOVE is one thing above all else: a huge mountain of fragrant, tempting, frightening garbage, on and in which, women and men and all those, who cannot and will not submit to this order, crawl around and spend the time of their lives, lying on all those fluffy cushions scattered between shards and steel beams and being scratched by them until they bleed. As soon as the wounds are scabbed, there is this strange, unbeatable urge to scratch them again, just to check if the blood is still as red as the famous sun, which supposedly sinks into the sea near Capri …

Enough of this! Let’s put an end to the catastrophic two-person relationship with house and garden behind the white garden fence – POLYAMORY is the new (old)! I am a unicorn and I love whomever and however I want. Every day I organize the most incredible parties in my studio and … And you know what? YOU ARE INVITED! WE ARE A MATCH! Because only friends are “FRIENDS” – PLEASE SWIPE ME TO THE RIGHT! HERE and NOW!